Voucher is valid until 14th Aug 2015, Mon-Fri 9am-9pm; subject to availability.
Not valid Sat/Sun.
Vouchers must be booked by 8th Aug 2015 or you risk forfeiting your voucher.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
Sessions will last 2 hours.
Max of 150 people permitted at any one time.
Only one booking/code can be made and accepted at any one time. If attending in a group, bookings will have to be made separately for the same session.
Suitable for ages 10 years old and above. Under 16's must have an adult sign the risk acknowledgement and disclaimer. Under 14's must have an adult present to supervise.
Members are advised to jump within their own ability. Members of Air Space staff will be on hand for any queries or advice.
Max weight of 20 and a half stone, min height of 140cm permitted. Height restrictions are in place to help enforce min age policy. If under 140cm but over 10 years old, please bring valid ID to gain entry.
Sorry, not suitable for those who are currently pregnant, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or have a medical condition that it likely to increase risk of injury.
Members are advised to wear loose fitting clothing, and long sleeves for the trampolines. Please don't wear clothes with studs or sharp parts. Members will be asked to remove belts and jewellery before taking part. Members can wear glasses however contact lenses are recommended. Members will also need to wear jump socks which will be provided.
Voucher is not valid on Fitness Classes or Academy Training Programme.
Advanced booking required. The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 24 hours of your booking.
Vouchers must be surrendered for redemption; please print your voucher and bring along with you to avoid disappointment.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.