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- Voucher is valid until 31st Oct 2015, Mon-Sat 2.30pm-4.30pm; subject to availability.
- Max 2 voucher purchases per member.
- Advanced booking not required. Please note: the beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest.
- Max 2 vouchers per table.
- Lunch includes: a sandwich, small soup & sandwich combo, toastie, baked potato, ciabatta or wrap with a single filling.
- View menu here. Sorry, no menu substitutions permitted.
- The café at Merryhatton operates a self service system.
- Additional sandwich/wrap/ciabatta/baked potato fillings can be purchased at the standard menu rate.
- Vegetarian & gluten free options available.
- Wheelchair accessible.
- Children permitted.
- No Advanced booking required. Please note: the beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest.
- Vouchers must be surrendered for redemption; please print your voucher and bring along with you to avoid disappointment.
- Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.