Voucher is valid until 21st Dec 2015; subject to availability.
Strictly one voucher can be purchased and redeemed per member
Voucher is redeemable online only; orders cannot be processed over the phone
Order by 21st Dec 2015 for Christmas delivery (postcode dependent)
Items will be delivered on date selected by itison members when checking out – the earliest delivery date is no more than 2 working days from the date ordered
Orders will be delivered between 8am-6pm, Tuesday-Friday, available delivery dates will be postcode dependent; the delivery times provided are approximate and do not guarantee a delivery date unless otherwise stated.
Free P&P included for UK Mainland only; Additional surcharges may apply if you have any queries, please call the Donald Russell team for more info: 01467 629 666
Products are fully frozen and ready for your home freezer (free Range Turkey takes 72 hours to defrost)
Donald Russell reserve the right to replace any offer with something of equal or greater value
Voucher must be used in one transaction, no change given
Once placed orders cannot be cancelled
This items are non-refundable and we encourage you to check your goods upon receipt.
Whilst we're sure you'll be delighted with your order, if there is a fault please contact us within 7 days of receipt of your goods.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers or in conjunction with other Donald Russell promotional codes.