Voucher is valid until 30 Jun 2016, Sun-Thur, 11am-10pm (last booking 9pm); subject to availability.
Advanced booking required. Voucher must be booked by 16 Jun 2016 (we don't want you to miss out!)
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 24 hours of your booking.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
Max 3 vouchers per table.
Group bookings are available on request; please discuss directly with Brutti Compadres.
Voucher is for small plates only; excludes specials.
Menu can be viewed here; menu is subject to change.
Vegetarian options available; please advise at time of booking.
Sorry, no gluten free options available.
Includes a 125ml glass of Perelada Brut Cava each. Alcohol can be substituted for a soft drink.
Table may be required back after 1.5 hours.
Wheelchair access available.
Children welcome until 8pm.
Advanced booking required. The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Vouchers must be surrendered for redemption; please print your voucher and bring along with you to avoid disappointment.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.