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Voucher is valid from Tue 3 Apr 2018 until Thur 28 Jun 2018, 7 days, 10am - 5.30pm; subject to availability.
Excludes 7 May 2018.
Please note a supplementary charge is required for the following dates: 3 Apr - 15 Apr 2018, £2 per child and £1 per adult; payable directly to Briarlands Farm.
Advance booking not required.
Multiple purchases permitted.
Voucher is non-refundable once purchased.
Please dress appropriately for the weather as there are outdoor activities.
Limited wheelchair access.
The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest.
Vouchers must be printed for redemption; please print your voucher and bring along with you to avoid disappointment.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.
Images used for illustrative purposes only.