Voucher is valid until Sun 23 Dec 2018; subject to availability.
Multiple purchases not permitted.
Delivery: choose your delivery date when ordering: available 6 days a week, excluding Friday.
Available to customers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and excluding the Scottish Highlands.
Please note this is a rolling weekly subscription service; members can cancel after first box is received by midnight on Wednesday prior to the following week’s delivery.
Valid for new accounts only.
Vegetarian options are available.
Food is delivered in cool bags; products will remain chilled / fresh until the end of the delivery day; non-dairy and non-meat products will be packaged separately.
Shelf life is included on individual packaging.
Storage of items will vary dependent on ingredients.
Only 1 box can be ordered per week. For 2 box options please keep your voucher as you will need to use the same code to order your second box the following week.