Voucher is valid from Fri 1 Feb 2019 until Tue 30 Apr 2019, 7 days, 12noon – 11pm; subject to availability.
Voucher is valid for delivery stores only; not valid in Pizza Hut restaurants.
Advance booking not required but is advisable to reduce waiting times.
Orders can be placed by phone or in-store; orders in-store will be subject to waiting times.
Online orders are not permitted.
Please note orders cannot be cancelled once placed.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
In store collection only.
Valid for classic crust only.
Option 1: one small margherita pizza only.
Option 2: one medium pizza with up to 2 toppings.
Option 3: one large pizza with up to 3 toppings; pizza base can be upgraded to stuffed crust for £2.59 or cheesy bites £2.99; payable directly to Pizza Hut.