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- Voucher is valid until Sat 29 Feb 2020; valid Tue - Sun, 10am - 5pm; subject to availability.
- Excludes Mondays and 25 - 26 Dec 2019 and 1 - 2 Jan 2020.
- Advance booking not required.
- Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
- Suitable for ages 12 and under only. Under 1's go free.
- Includes 2 hours in soft play.
- Children of any age taller than 5ft cannot use the play equipment.
- No shoes allowed; socks must be worn.
- Option 1: one session with one child.
- Option 2: one session with two children or two sessions for one child.
- Option 3: one session with three children or three sessions for one child.
- Option 4: one session with four children or four sessions for one child.
- Meal deals must be used in conjunction with a session.
- Meal deal includes a choice of a half sandwich, toastie, baguette or panini plus 5 snack items. Vegetarian, gluten / wheat free options are available.
- Wheelchair access available.
- Vouchers can be presented on mobile device or printed for redemption; please show your voucher on arrival.
- Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.
- Images used for illustrative purposes only.