Voucher is valid from Wed 8 Jul 2020 until Thu 26 Nov 2020, Wed - Thur 10am - 8pm; subject to availability.
Excludes Fri - Tue.
Voucher must be booked by Fri 13 Nov 2020 (we don’t want you to miss out!).
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 48 hours of your booking.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
Over 16s only.
Groups cannot be booked and receive treatment at the same time.
Treatment is not suitable during pregnancy/breastfeeding or for cancer sufferers/those in remission.
GP letter required for clients who suffer from epilepsy, seizures, fainting attacks, heart conditions, angina, blood pressure problems, keloid scars, diabetes or have trouble healing, cancer remission, skin disease or irritations such as psoriasis, eczema on or near the treated area, those allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine or epinephrineor to any anesthetic metals, latex or topical antibiotic preparations.
Clients that had Botox in the last 2 weeks, have gotten a deep tan or had chemical peels in the last 2 weeks should postpone treatment.
Please discuss any health concerns directly with salon.
Option 1: Treatment duration: approx. 1hr 30mins.
Option 2: Treatment duration: approx 2hrs 30mins (1hr 30mins for initial treatment and 1hr for top up treatment).
Treatment benefits last approx 1-3yrs depending on skin type and age. A yearly colour boost is suggested to refresh colour and keep results looking their best.
Treatments cannot be substituted for other treatments.
Patch test required 24 hrs prior to appointment or a waiver must be signed.
No wheelchair access available.
Advanced booking required or risk forfeiting your voucher.
The venue may restrict the number of itison bookings on each day so please book early if you want a specific date.
The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Vouchers can be presented on mobile phone or printed for redemption; please show your voucher on arrival to avoid disappointment.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.