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- Voucher is valid from Fri 26 Jun 2020 until Wed 26 Aug 2020; subject to availability.
- Multiple purchases permitted; max 10 vouchers per person.
- UK delivery: £3.50 per kit.
- Kits will be dispatched on a Tuesday or Thursday. Orders must be in by 9am the previous day.
- Delivery: up to 5 working days. This may vary due to COVID-19 restrictions.
- Please note toppings are not included, but can be purchased on website.
- Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer.
- Voucher cannot be redeemed in-store.
- This item is non-refundable and we encourage you to check your goods upon receipt.
- The delivery times provided are approximate and do not guarantee a delivery date unless otherwise stated.
- Images used for illustrative purposes only.