Voucher is valid from Mon 17 May 2021 until Thu 24 Jun 2021, Mon - Thur 12noon - 5pm; subject to availability.
Excludes Fri - Sun.
Voucher must be booked by Thu 3 Jun 2021 (we don’t want you to miss out!).
Online bookings only.
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 48 hours of your booking.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
Suitable for ages 5+. 5-8 Year olds must have a participating adult present. 8-12 Year olds must have an adult present and watching. Over 12's are fine to be unsupervised. Under 16's must have their waiver signed by an adult.
Duration approx. 1 hour.
Max of 40 people per session; subject to COVID regulations.
Must be over 1m tall to use the Air Bag.
Anti Bacterial Socks are included and must be worn. Shoes are required to combat the obstacle course.
Wheelchair access available.
Advanced booking required or risk forfeiting your voucher.
The venue may restrict the number of itison bookings on each day so please book early if you want a specific date.
The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Vouchers can be presented on mobile device or printed for redemption; please show your voucher on arrival.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.