Voucher is valid from Wed 18 Aug 2021 until Wed 17 Nov 2021, Wed - Sat 9am - 8pm; subject to availability and possible changes or restrictions to opening times based on Covid guidelines.
Excludes Sun - Tue.
Voucher must be booked by Wed 3 Nov 2021 (we don’t want you to miss out!).
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 48 hours of your booking. Please note there is a £25 no show fee and a £15 late cancellation fee; payable direct.
Multiple voucher purchases not permitted.
14+ only.
Groups cannot be booked and receive treatment at the same time.
Treatment is not suitable during pregnancy/breastfeeding or for cancer sufferers/those in remission.
Please note some treatments may need to be adapted and a doctor’s note will be required for specific conditions.
Please discuss any health concerns directly with the clinic.