Voucher is valid from Fri 8 Oct 2021 until Sat 13 Nov 2021; subject to availability.
Deliveries will take place on Fridays and Saturdays only before 5pm.
Multiple purchases permitted.
Enter your preferred delivery date at the time of booking. Please note specific time slots cannot be requested.
Delivery times cannot be guaranteed. Relish will aim to deliver boxes prior to 4pm on the day requested.
Edinburgh delivery (EH1-20) only; free P&P.
Vegetarian, gluten / wheat free options are available. Please email hello@relishedinburgh.co.uk after you have placed your order directly to state any dietary requests.
Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer.
This item is non-refundable and we encourage you to check your goods upon receipt.
The delivery times provided are approximate and do not guarantee a delivery date unless otherwise stated.