Voucher is valid on Fri 26 Jan 2024; subject to availability.
Ticket only; Advance booking is not required.
Ticket & overnight; Advance phone booking is required or risk forfeiting your voucher. Voucher must be booked by Tue 23 Jan 2024 (we don’t want you to miss out!).
Includes breakfast and late-check out.
Check in 2pm, late check-out 1pm.
Stay in a standard double or twin room. Triple rooms are available on request; subject to availability.
No pets permitted.
Multiple purchases permitted.
Event start time: 7pm.
Duration: approx. 3hrs 30 hrs.
Seating is unreserved. Please contact hotel if you would like to be seated as a group.
Suitable for ages 18+.
Wheelchair access available.
You can use your paperless voucher from your itison account on any mobile device. Printed vouchers are also accepted.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.