Valid from Tue 2 Apr 2024 until Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7 days 9am - 9pm; subject to availability.
Voucher must be booked by Mon 16 Sep 2024 (we don't want you to miss out!).
You risk forfeiting your voucher if you cancel within 14 days of your booking.
Suitable for ages 8+. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a participating adult or by an adult viewing from the nearest point.
Duration approx. 90 mins.
Maximum of 8 participants per session. This activity is run as a group session, and not a private session, requiring a minimum number of participants to go ahead. The group may consist of individuals, couples and families.
Please advise of any health conditions, injuries or illnesses when booking. Activities are not suitable during pregnancy.
Meeting point: Loch Clunie, Loch Ore or Loch Faskally. Individual requests are also permitted; please discuss directly at time of booking. Bespoke sessions also available directly including sunset / sunrise sessions.
Advance booking required.
The venue may restrict the number of itison bookings on each day so please book early if you want a specific date.
The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Vouchers can be presented on mobile device or printed for redemption; please show your voucher on arrival.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.