Voucher is valid from Mon 8 Apr until Sun 17 Nov 2024; Sun - Thu 12noon - 9:30pm, Fri 12noon - 5pm; subject to availability. Excludes Saturdays and all bank holidays.
If you change your mind or can't get the date you want, contact us within 14 days of purchasing your voucher and we'll issue a full refund.
Voucher must be booked by Fri 1 Nov 2024. Please book early to secure your preferred date.
Once confirmed, bookings cannot be cancelled but number of guests may be amended subject to availability, Min 6 / Max 12 people.
Package includes per person: 125ml glass of Prosecco, cracker, chocolate and marshmallow to make one s'more.
1hr 30min at firepit table.
Over 18s only.
No wheelchair access available.
Vegetarian options are available. Please advise restaurant at time of booking. No gluten / wheat free options available.
A small service fee will be applied to your order, you'll see the exact amount at checkout.
Advanced booking required or risk forfeiting your voucher.
The beginning and end period of a voucher’s validity is always the busiest. We advise members to book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.