Voucher is valid 11:30am - 3pm on your chosen date.
Advance booking is required at least 3 days before your chosen date.
Multiple purchases permitted. Max of 6 people per table.
Duration: approx. 3.5hrs.
Seating is reserved at time of booking.
Over 18s only.
Includes a brunch platter from a set menu; subject to change. Served as a sharing platter for parties of more than one. Menu is a sample only; items may not be available on the day.
Vegetarian and vegan options are available; please advise venue at time of booking.
Includes a glass of Prosecco and 2 cocktails each. Alcohol can be replaced with a soft drink.
Wheelchair access available.
A small service fee will be applied to your order, you'll see the exact amount at checkout.
You can use your paperless ticket from your itison account on any mobile device. Printed vouchers are also accepted.
Ticket is non-refundable unless event is cancelled.
Ticket is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.