Voucher is valid from Mon 10 Feb 2025 until Wed 30 Apr 2025, 7 days, 12noon - 9pm; subject to availability.
Excludes 22-23 Feb, 8-9, 15 & 17 Mar 2025.
Advance booking is not required; walk-ins welcome.
Multiple voucher purchases permitted.
Includes choice of burger or pasta each.
Option 2: includes a glass of house wine, bottle of house beer or draught soft drink.
Vegetarian options are available. Please advise restaurant at time of booking. Gluten / wheat free options are not available.
A supplementary charge of £3pp is required per person for each of the following: Giants Causeway, Double Dublin Deluxe, loaded fries; payable directly to restaurant.
Wheelchair access available.
Children permitted.
A small service fee will be applied to your order, you'll see the exact amount at checkout.
Advance booking is not required.
You can use your paperless voucher from your itison account on any mobile device. Printed vouchers are also accepted.
Voucher is not exchangeable for cash or valid with any other offers.